Create Your Organization's FREE Account Now!

Sign up your organization to conduct elections, ballots, polls, surveys, questionnaires, etc. image of enter button on computer

After you sign up, you can create your own ballot. Let's get started...

If you are here to vote in an election, this page is NOT for you.
Login here or contact your ballot manager to register.

Organization/Company :
Your Name : *You will be the account manager for this group
Email Address :
Create Password :
Confirm Password :
Timezone :
How did you find us?

This email address {} is already registered as a voter in a current election.

You are attempting to create an entirely new Client account with ezVote,
for which you will have to manage your own elections, and create your own ballots.

If you simply want to vote in an existing election, login here.

If you have already registered, Login here.